Localization testing services

Explore global reach and ensure your software resonates seamlessly with diverse audiences for a culturally tailored user experience.

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Truffle Test
Truffle Test
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Underlying challenges

Key challenges without localization

Here are the problems clients might have when they try to connect with people from different parts of the world.

Decentralized ecosystem

Cultural misalignment

Cultural misalignment

Decentralized ecosystem

There’s a risk of cultural differences in content and visuals, which could lead to misunderstandings or offend people in target markets.

Smart contract security

Language inconsistencies

Language inconsistencies

Smart contract security

If clients skip localization test automation, there might be language problems that make the product or service look less professional.

Network issues

Regional functionality

Regional functionality

Network issues

Product may overlook regional-specific functionalities crucial for optimal user experience in diverse markets.

Poor economic models

Legal risks

Legal risks

Poor economic models

Clients risk non-compliance with local regulations and legal requirements if localization testing is not conducted.


Confidence in localizing

Make sure your product fits well with different cultures and does well all over the world.

Avoid cultural mistakes

Find and remove content or visuals that could offend or confuse people, reducing misunderstandings by 60%.

Perfect languages

Translations that sound natural can make user engagement go up by 15% and make your translations look accurate.

Optimize regional differences

Check local payment methods or data privacy rules, improving user experience by 25%.

Follow regional rules

Careful legal review can reduce the risk of expensive penalties and delays by 90%.

Want to stay competitive in the global market? Get your product Localize tested now.

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What We test Shape

What we test

We carefully check your apps to make sure they work well, are accurate in different languages, and fit with different cultures all over the world.

Cross-browser testing:

Time zone handling

Make sure time and date calculations are correct, even with daylight saving time and different time zones.

Visual automation:

Localization library Testing

Check libraries used for translation and formatting to handle unusual cases and regional differences.

Data Format Verification

Resource usage

Watch how much memory is used and network traffic to make the app work better for different regions.

Security Testing

Ease of use

See how easy it is for users to understand and use the software’s features and interfaces.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Layout and Display

Make sure text doesn’t overflow, buttons can be used, and visuals work with different writing systems.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Cultural fit

Find offensive images, symbols, or references that don’t fit with local sensitivities.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Locale-specific features

Test features like currency conversion, address formats, and language-dependent functionalities.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Character encoding

Make sure special characters and emojis show up the same on all platforms.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Currency and number formatting

Ensure decimal placement and symbol usage align with local standards.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And other validations like

Date and time format compliance, Pluralization and grammatical accuracy, and String validation.

Cross-browser testing:

Time zone handling

Make sure time and date calculations are correct, even with daylight saving time and different time zones.

Visual automation:

Localization library Testing

Check libraries used for translation and formatting to handle unusual cases and regional differences.

Data Format Verification

Resource usage

Watch how much memory is used and network traffic to make the app work better for different regions.

Security Testing

Ease of use

See how easy it is for users to understand and use the software’s features and interfaces.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Layout and display

Make sure text doesn’t overflow, buttons can be used, and visuals work with different writing systems.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Cultural fit

Find offensive images, symbols, or references that don’t fit with local sensitivities.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Locale-specific features

We test conversational interfaces like chatbots or voice-controlled systems using tools like Botpress or Dialogflow.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Character encoding

Make sure special characters and emojis show up the same on all platforms.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Currency and Number formatting

Ensure decimal placement and symbol usage align with local standards.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And other validations like

Date and time format compliance, Pluralization and grammatical accuracy, and String validation.

Block Quote

First impressions matter in every language. Localization testing guarantees your product makes a flawless debut, no matter where it lands.

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Emily Rodriguez
Client Successes Shape

Client Successes

Assisting our E-Commerce client, our localization testing services ensure precise language and cultural alignment.




Our client in the competitive E-Commerce business had problems making their products fit different languages, cultures, and regional likes while keeping everything consistent and correct.

Our Response



Our localization testing services used a careful approach to handle differences in language, cultural sensitivities, and regional differences.




The result was a 70% better match in language, a 90% better match in culture, and a product that worked well in E-Commerce markets all over the world.

Our approach

Precise steps for localizing

We use a careful approach that focuses on fitting with culture and being accurate in language across diverse global markets.


Cultural and linguistic analysis
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    Checking Cultural Sensitivity: We make sure the software fits with local customs, values, and norms.

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    Checking Language Accuracy: We work with native language experts to make sure language use is accurate.

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    Making Sure Content is Appropriate: We make sure all visuals and text fit with what the target audience expects and is sensitive.


Functional validations
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    Testing for Specific Locations: We do detailed functional testing for each target location to find functional problems specific to each region

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    Checking Date and Time Formats: We make sure date, time, and other formats work well with the conventions of each localized region.

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    Formatting Currency and Numbers: We make sure currency symbols, number formats, and measurement units are displayed and handled correctly.


UI/UX assessment
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    Localized UI evaluation: Assessing the user interface elements to ensure proper alignment, layout, and readability in different scripts.

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    Cultural user experience testing: Conducting tests to evaluate the overall user experience, considering cultural preferences in design.

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    Accessibility for diverse audiences: Verifying that the software is accessible to users with diverse abilities and meets accessibility standards.


Compatibility across platforms
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    Cross-platform compatibility: Ensuring the software functions seamlessly on different platforms, devices, and operating systems.

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    Browser and Localization compatibility: Validating the compatibility of the localized software with various browsers, considering regional preferences.

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    Mobile device localization: Verifying that the localized software performs optimally on mobile devices, accommodating regional variations.


Linguistic QA and feedback integration
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    Linguistic quality assessment: Conducting thorough linguistic quality assessments to identify and rectify any linguistic issues or inconsistencies.

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    User feedback integration: Integrating user feedback from localized regions to address any language-related concerns.

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    Continuous improvement: Implementing a cycle of continuous improvement based on LQA findings and user feedback.


Cultural and Linguistic analysis
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    Checking Cultural Sensitivity: We make sure the software fits with local customs, values, and norms.

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    Checking Language Accuracy: We work with native language experts to make sure language use is accurate.

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    Making Sure Content is Appropriate: We make sure all visuals and text fit with what the target audience expects and is sensitive.


Functional validations
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    Testing for Specific Locations: We do detailed functional testing for each target location to find functional problems specific to each region.

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    Checking Date and Time Formats: We make sure date, time, and other formats work well with the conventions of each localized region.

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    Formatting Currency and Numbers: We make sure currency symbols, number formats, and measurement units are displayed and handled correctly.


UI/UX assessment
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    Localized UI evaluation: Assessing the user interface elements to ensure proper alignment, layout, and readability in different scripts.

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    Cultural user experience testing: Conducting tests to evaluate the overall user experience, considering cultural preferences in design.

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    Accessibility for diverse audiences: Verifying that the software is accessible to users with diverse abilities and meets accessibility standards.


Compatibility across platforms
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    Cross-platform compatibility: Ensuring the software functions seamlessly on different platforms, devices, and operating systems.

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    Browser and localization compatibility: Validating the compatibility of the localized software with various browsers, considering regional preferences.

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    Mobile device localization: Verifying that the localized software performs optimally on mobile devices, accommodating regional variations.


Linguistic QA and Feedback integration
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    Linguistic quality assessment: Conducting thorough linguistic quality assessments to identify and rectify any linguistic issues or inconsistencies.

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    User feedback integration: Integrating user feedback from localized regions to address any language-related concerns.

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    Continuous improvement: Implementing a cycle of continuous improvement based on LQA findings and user feedback.

Our Approach Shape

Why choose Alphabin?

Long-term Support

Measurable improvements

Faster test cycles, reduced costs, and improved quality with quantifiable results.

Data-Driven Decisions

Global language expertise

Our team boasts native-speaking linguists and cultural experts covering a vast range of languages and markets.

Budget Friendly Solutions

Collaborative approach

We work closely with your team and localization partners, fostering open communication and ensuring everyone's on the same page.

Our Resource Shape

Our Resources

Explore our insights into the latest trends and techniques in Localization Testing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is localization testing, and how does it differ from standard software testing practices?
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Localization testing is the process of validating that a software application or content is culturally and linguistically suitable for a target audience. It goes beyond functional testing by assessing language translations, date formats, currency symbols, and other elements specific to different regions, ensuring a seamless user experience across diverse locales.

What types of localization testing services do you provide, and how do they cater to various industries?
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Our localization testing services cover a broad spectrum, including linguistic testing (verifying language translations and cultural appropriateness), functional testing in different language environments, UI testing for regional preferences, and compliance testing to ensure adherence to local regulations. We tailor our services to meet the specific localization requirements of diverse industries and global markets.

How do you manage the complexity of testing software that supports multiple regions?
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Managing the complexity involves meticulous planning and execution. We utilize automated testing tools that support multiple languages, create comprehensive test scenarios covering different locales, and establish test environments that mimic the linguistic and cultural settings of the target regions. Test cases are designed to validate functionality and linguistic elements simultaneously.

What are the challenges of testing non-Latin script languages?
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Testing for non-Latin script languages presents challenges related to font rendering, character encoding, and layout adjustments. Our services include specialized testing for non-Latin scripts, covering aspects such as text alignment, readability, and the correct rendering of characters, ensuring a flawless user experience in diverse linguistic environments.

Do you perform localization testing for multimedia content?
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Yes, our localization testing services extend to multimedia content, including images, videos, and audio elements. Considerations involve verifying the accuracy of translated subtitles, ensuring synchronization between audio and visual elements, and assessing cultural appropriateness in multimedia presentations.