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Web3 testing services

Elevate your Web 3.0 projects with superior performance and security for the next generation of decentralized web applications.

API Testing Service
Truffle Test
Truffle Test
Truffle Test
Truffle Test
Truffle Test
Truffle Test
QA Challenge Shape
Underlying challenges

Unravelling challenges in Web3 apps

These challenges can burgeon, leading to suboptimal performance, compromised security, and hindered user adoption.

Decentralized ecosystem

Decentralized ecosystem

Decentralized ecosystem

Decentralized ecosystem

The decentralized nature of Web 3 ecosystems introduces complexities and leads to smart contract failures.

Smart contract security

Smart contract security

Smart contract security

Smart contract security

Inadequate security measures may expose organizations to vulnerabilities, leading to financial losses damage.

Network issues

Network issues

Network issues

Network issues

The network may struggle to attract and retain active participants without proper incentives.

Poor economic models

Poor economic models

Poor economic models

Poor economic models

Poorly designed models may result in economic inefficiencies, affecting incentives for users and stakeholders.


Web3 precision assurance

Experience precision assurance for Web3 applications for expected results in the dynamic landscape.

Stability in decentralization

Achieve reliability in the decentralized nature of Web3 ecosystems, preventing complexities and undiscovered issues.

Strong security measures

Receive up to 90% protection with web3 penetration testing, preventing inadequate security measures that may expose the organization.

Optimal incentive structures

Ensure up to 80% efficiency in incentivizing network participants and avoid struggles in attracting and retaining active participants.

Efficient economic designs

Optimize economic design that provides 75% optimization in the economic model design.

Interested in receiving our Web 3 quality assurance?

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What We test Shape

What we test

We evaluate decentralized apps and blockchain integrations, utilizing advanced methodologies to provide a future-proof digital solutions.

Cross-browser testing:

ERC-20 and ERC-721 compliance

Validate compliance with token standards such as ERC-20 and ERC-721, ensuring proper implementation and interoperability with various platforms.

Visual automation:


Test interoperability with the Polkadot network, ensuring seamless communication between different blockchains within the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

Data Format Verification

DeFi integration

Test integration with DeFi protocols like Uniswap or Compound, ensuring compatibility and security in decentralized financial transactions.

Security Testing

Cross-platform integration

Test the integration of Web 3.0 solutions across different platforms, ensuring compatibility and a consistent user experience.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Decentralized autonomous

Validate DAO functionalities using frameworks like Aragon, ensuring transparent and secure decentralized governance.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Exchanges integration

Test integration with decentralized exchanges like Kyber Network or 0x, ensuring secure and efficient token trading.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Blockchain oracles testing

Validate the use of blockchain oracles for secure data inputs from external sources.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And other validations like

Cross-Chain asset transfers, Cross-Browser, and Zero-Knowledge Proof Validation.

Cross-browser testing:

ERC-20 and ERC-721 compliance

Validate compliance with token standards such as ERC-20 and ERC-721, ensuring proper implementation and interoperability with various platforms.

Visual automation:


Test interoperability with the Polkadot network, ensuring seamless communication between different blockchains within the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

Data Format Verification

DeFi integration

Test integration with DeFi protocols like Uniswap or Compound, ensuring compatibility and security in decentralized financial transactions.

Security Testing

Cross-platform integration

Test the integration of Web 3.0 solutions across different platforms, ensuring compatibility and a consistent user experience.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Decentralized autonomous

Validate DAO functionalities using frameworks like Aragon, ensuring transparent and secure decentralized governance.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Exchanges integration

Test integration with decentralized exchanges like Kyber Network or 0x, ensuring secure and efficient token trading.

Rate Limiting And Throttling

Blockchain oracles testing

Validate the use of blockchain oracles for secure data inputs from external sources.

Authentication And Authorization Tests

And other validations like

Cross-Chain asset transfers, Cross-Browser, and Zero-Knowledge Proof Validation.

Block Quote

Testing Web 3.0 apps is like exploring a new digital experience. It's not just about finding bugs; it's about navigating the uncharted territories of decentralized innovation.

Block Quote
Emma Donovan
Client Successes Shape

Client Successes

Our Web3 testing services have empowered the gaming industry with robust solutions.




Challenges such as complex virtual economies, user experience bottlenecks, and interoperability issues posed obstacles to the seamless integration of decentralized applications (DApps).

Our Response



To overcome virtual economy complexities, we conducted stress tests for scalability and stability, optimized user experiences through performance testing, and ensured seamless DApp integration across diverse gaming platforms with robust interoperability testing.




The successful implementation of our Web3 testing services led to streamlined virtual economies, enhanced user experiences, and seamless interoperability, providing our gaming industry client with a competitive edge.

Our approach

Tailored approach for web3 testing

The decentralized landscape of Web3 demands specialized testing strategies. We adapt to your unique technology stack, application goals, and risk tolerance.


Strategic planning
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    Architectural understanding: We delve deep into your chosen blockchain protocol, smart contracts, and decentralized infrastructure.

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    User story mapping: Mapping user journeys, identifying key interaction points and potential friction areas within your dApp.

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    Defining success parameters: We collaborate with you to establish key performance indicators, security benchmarks, and user experience goals.


Fortifying the foundation
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    Smart contract scrutiny: We employ security audits and fuzzing techniques to uncover logic errors, potential exploits, and gas optimization.

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    Front-end penetration: We simulate targeted attacks against your dApp’s user interface and APIs.

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    Oracle network validation: Test the integrity and reliability of oracles used to connect your dApp to external data sources.


Ensuring frictionless interaction
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    Intuitive user experience: We conduct usability testing to assess the dApp's navigation, information architecture, and accessibility.

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    Wallet integration: Test dApp integration with popular wallets and exchanges, ensuring smooth transactions.

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    Load testing: We employ various load testing methodologies to assess your dApp's scalability under high transaction volumes.


Continuous improvement
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    Automated testing framework: We develop automated test scripts to improve efficiency reduction of testing resource wastage.

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    Continuous integration: We integrate seamlessly with your development lifecycle, providing real-time feedback and actionable insights.

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    Data-driven monitoring: We continuously monitor dApp performance, identify potential issues, and suggest data-driven improvements.


Strategic planning
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    Architectural understanding: We delve deep into your chosen blockchain protocol, smart contracts, and decentralized infrastructure.

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    User story mapping: Mapping user journeys, identifying key interaction points and potential friction areas within your dApp.

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    Defining success parameters: We collaborate with you to establish key performance indicators, security benchmarks, and user experience goals.


Fortifying the foundation
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    Smart contract scrutiny: We employ security audits and fuzzing techniques to uncover logic errors, potential exploits, and gas optimization.

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    Front-end penetration: We simulate targeted attacks against your dApp’s user interface and APIs.

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    Oracle network validation: Test the integrity and reliability of oracles used to connect your dApp to external data sources.


Ensuring frictionless interaction
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    Intuitive user experience: We conduct usability testing to assess the dApp's navigation, information architecture, and accessibility.

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    Wallet integration: Test dApp integration with popular wallets and exchanges, ensuring smooth transactions.

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    Load testing: We employ various load testing methodologies to assess your dApp's scalability under high transaction volumes.


Continuous improvement
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    Automated testing framework: We develop automated test scripts to improve efficiency reduction of testing resource wastage.

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    Continuous integration: We integrate seamlessly with your development lifecycle, providing real-time feedback and actionable insights.

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    Data-driven monitoring: We continuously monitor dApp performance, identify potential issues, and suggest data-driven improvements.

Our Approach Shape

Why choose Alphabin?

Long-term Support

Agile Web 3 deployments

Alphabin expedites the deployment of Web 3.0 solutions, facilitating agile market entry.

Data-Driven Decisions

Strategic edge

Delivering superior and secure Web 3.0 products provides a strategic advantage in the competitive tech environment.

Budget Friendly Solutions

Trust in ecosystems

Rigorous testing ensures the security and reliability of decentralized systems, fostering trust among users and stakeholders.

Our Resource Shape

Our Resources

Explore our insights into the latest trends and techniques in Web 3.0 application Testing.

Comprehensive Guide to Salesforce Testing: Best Practices and Strategies

Comprehensive Guide to Salesforce Testing: Best Practices and Strategies

  • Jul 26, 2024

Validating your Salesforce instance's customized features, integrations, and general operation is known as Salesforce testing. Businesses can ensure that their Salesforce configuration completely satisfies their operational needs and provides an exceptional user experience by carefully testing each component.

Why Mobile Banking App Testing is Crucial in 2024: Ensuring Security and Trust

Why Mobile Banking App Testing is Crucial in 2024: Ensuring Security and Trust

  • Jul 25, 2024

As a result, banks and financial firms are developing advanced mobile banking applications and online platforms to meet these expectations. However, it is important to note that banking apps are sophisticated and involve handling important/ sensitive data. This is why security testing is important, especially when creating a new prototype or designing a new application.

Playwright vs Cypress: Which Testing Framework is Right for You?

Playwright vs Cypress: Which Testing Framework is Right for You?

  • Jul 22, 2024

Automation testing plays an important role in ensuring the performance of web applications by identifying issues early in the development cycle. The latest frameworks such as Playwright vs Cypress are proving to be better options than older ones like Selenium. These frameworks have been trendy since the rise of JavaScript in 2015.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Web3 testing?
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Web3 testing involves testing applications that interact with blockchain networks, often through the Web3.js library. This includes testing smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and other blockchain-related functionalities.

How do you ensure the security of smart contracts?
FAQ Arrow

Security is paramount in blockchain applications. We use a combination of manual code reviews, automated security scans, and specialized testing techniques like fuzzing to identify and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

How do you handle testing in a decentralized environment? 
FAQ Arrow

Testing in a decentralized environment can be challenging due to the lack of control over the network. We use a combination of local blockchain networks for development and testing, and testnets for staging and pre-production testing.

How do you test blockchain performance and scalability?
FAQ Arrow

We use load testing and stress testing techniques to simulate high transaction volumes and measure the performance and scalability of the blockchain application. We also analyze gas usage in Ethereum-based applications.

Can you help with the auditing of our smart contracts?
FAQ Arrow

Yes, auditing of smart contracts is a critical part of our Web3 testing services. Our team of experts can review your smart contracts for security vulnerabilities, logic errors, and adherence to best practices.