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5 Best Practices for Cloud Performance Testing

5 Best Practices for Cloud Performance Testing

  • Apr 26, 2024

The cloud has changed the landscape of application development and deployment. Ever since the pandemic, several companies have shifted to cloud services and technologies, a remarkable 37% year over year increase post-2020. Cloud environments offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them ideal for modern applications.

Performance testing, Cloud testing
Performance Testing Concepts and Metrics

Performance Testing Concepts and Metrics

  • Feb 10, 2024

Performance testing makes sure applications perform well as per user’s expectations for speed and dependability. Knowledge of its concepts and metrics is essential for achieving smooth digital experiences. From load testing to response times, this blog discusses key elements vital for all engineers in their quest towards software perfection – both veterans and beginners alike.

Performance testing , Automation testing
Performance Testing for Beginners

Performance Testing for Beginners

  • Feb 10, 2024

Picture struggling on an online shopping cart that moves slower than a dial-up connection on Black Friday—frustrating, right? That's where performance testing comes in: smooth video streaming, lag-free online gaming, and apps that respond quicker than expectations.

Performance testing , Automation testing