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What is the Difference Between Selenium 3 And Selenium 4?

What is the Difference Between Selenium 3 And Selenium 4?

  • May 29, 2024

Selenium has advanced web automation testing significantly, with notable growth seen in the transition from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4. These improvements play a pivotal role for individuals involved in testing and software development seeking to enhance their automated testing functionalities. Selenium is a widely used tool by many automation testing companies that offer many automation testing services.

Automation testing, Web testing
The Ultimate Guide for FlutterFlow Mobile App Testing

The Ultimate Guide for FlutterFlow Mobile App Testing

  • Mar 5, 2024

FlutterFlow allows you to create beautiful and functional mobile apps without coding. However, as with any app development process, testing is a vital step to ensure the quality and performance of your app. In this guide, we will show you how to test your FlutterFlow mobile app using different modes and tools, and how to deal with any issues that you may encounter along the way.

Mobile testing, Web testing
Solving FlutterFlow Testing Challenges: Overcoming DOM Element Issues

Solving FlutterFlow Testing Challenges: Overcoming DOM Element Issues

  • Feb 24, 2024

Testing a web app built with FlutterFlow can be problematic due to the shadow DOM technique it uses to render the UI.

Mobile testing, Web testing, Automation testing